Building a Private PPA on Ubuntu

One of the things I love about the Ubuntu project and launchpad is the Personal Package Archive. PPAs make it so simple and easy to backport packages. The only problem with PPAs is that they are public. I had a need to be able to host some private internal packages as well as squid with SSL support, which you can’t distribute in binary form due to licensing restrictions.

Basically I wanted to create the equivalent of an Ubuntu PPA service running on our own servers so we could place it behind our firewall. This post is basically the process I followed to integrate rebuilld and reprepro to replicate a PPA setup.

So first up install reprepro

aptitude install reprepro

next we need do create a reprepro repository

mkdir -p /srv/reprepro/{conf,incoming,incomingtmp}

Now we need to tell reprepro which distributions we care about. Create /srv/reprepro/conf/distributions with the following contents

Suite: hardy
Version: 8.04
Codename: hardy
Architectures: i386 amd64 source
Components: main
Description: Local Hardy
DebIndices: Packages Release . .gz .bz2
DscIndices: Sources Release .gz .bz2
Tracking: all includechanges keepsources
Log: logfile
  --changes /srv/reprepro/bin/build_sources

Suite: intrepid
Version: 8.10
Codename: intrepid
Architectures: i386 amd64 source
Components: main
Description: Local Intrepid
DebIndices: Packages Release . .gz .bz2
DscIndices: Sources Release .gz .bz2
Tracking: all includechanges keepsources
Log: logfile
  --changes /srv/reprepro/bin/build_sources

Suite: jaunty
Version: 9.04
Codename: jaunty
Architectures: i386 amd64 source
Components: main
Description: Local Jaunty
DebIndices: Packages Release . .gz .bz2
DscIndices: Sources Release .gz .bz2
Tracking: all includechanges keepsources
Log: logfile
  --changes /srv/reprepro/bin/build_sources

I also like to create reprepro options file to setup some defaults, edit /srv/reprepro/conf/options


Next we need to setup an incoming queue so that we can use dput to get the source packages into reprepro,
vi /srv/reprepro/conf/incoming

Name: incoming
IncomingDir: incoming
Allow: hardy intrepid jaunty
Cleanup: on_deny on_error
Tempdir: incomingtmp

The repository is now ready to go. So now we can setup apache. Edit /etc/apache/sites-enabled/pppa

    DocumentRoot /srv/reprepro

and we should also configure our sources.list to use these repositories, edit /etc/apt/sources.list

# Sources for rebuildd
deb-src hardy main
deb-src intrepid main
deb-src jaunty main

Next we want to setup our to make the magic happen to get the source packages into the archive, edit ~/

default_host_main = notspecified

fqdn = localhost
method = local
incoming = /srv/reprepro/incoming
allow_unsigned_uploads = 0
run_dinstall = 0
post_upload_command = reprepro -V -b /srv/reprepro processincoming incoming

So now we can do the following

apt-get source squid3
cd squid3*
dch -i # increment version number
dpkg-buildpackage -sa -S
cd ..
dput local *changes
aptitude update
apt-get source squid3

So when you run dput, first it copies the source package files to /srv/reprepro/incoming and then it gets reprepro to process it’s incoming queue. This means that the source package is now sitting in the repository.
So the second apt-get source should have downloaded the source package from our local repository which is exactly what rebuildd will do before it tries to build it.

Next step is to setup rebuildd so that it builds the binary packages and installs them into the repository.

aptitude install rebuildd

Setup so it runs out of init.d and the releases we care about, edit /etc/default/rebuildd

DISTS="hardy intrepid jaunty"

Now when a source package is uploaded into the repository we want to kick off rebuildd to build the package. We can do this through the reprepro log hooks. You’ll notice in the conf/distributions above the following lines.

Log: logfile
  --changes /srv/reprepro/bin/build_sources

This script will be run any time a .changes file is added to the repository. Create /srv/reprepro/bin/build_sources



# Only care about packages being added
if [ "$action" != "accepted" ]
	exit 0

# Only care about source packages
echo $changes_file | grep -q _source.changes
if [ $? = 1 ]
	exit 0

# Kick off the job
echo "$package $version 1 $release"  | sudo rebuildd-job add

This script basically checks the right type of package is being added. Then it calls rebuildd-job to ask for that specific package and version to be built for that Ubuntu release.

Now the first thing that rebuildd does is download the source for the package. However we need to update the sources first since our server doesn’t know there are new files in the repository yet. So edit /etc/rebuildd/rebuilddrv an change

apt-get -q --download-only -t ${d} source ${p}=${v}


source_cmd = /srv/reprepro/bin/get_sources ${d} ${p} ${v}

and create /srv/reprepro/bin/get_sources with



sudo aptitude update >/dev/null
apt-get -q --download-only -t ${d} source ${p}=${v}

By this stage we have rebuildd building packages but we need to make sure they get re-injected back into the repository. We can do this with a post script. Edit /etc/rebuildd/rebuilddrc

post_build_cmd = /srv/reprepro/bin/upload_binaries ${d} ${p} ${v} ${a}

and create /srv/reprepro/bin/upload_binaries



su -l -c "reprepro -V -b /srv/reprepro include ${d} /var/cache/pbuilder/result/${p}_${v}_${a}.changes" johnf

Now the su is in there because rebuildd needs to be able to access the GPG passphrase to sign the repository with. So rather than have a passphrase-less key we make sure that gpg-agent is running by adding the following to your .profile.

if test -f $HOME/.gpg-agent-info &&    kill -0 `cut -d: -f 2 $HOME/.gpg-agent-info` 2>/dev/null; then
	GPG_AGENT_INFO=`cat $HOME/.gpg-agent-info`
	eval `gpg-agent --daemon`
	echo $GPG_AGENT_INFO >$HOME/.gpg-agent-info

export GPG_TTY

So that’s it you now have your own personal PPA. Just in case you had fallen asleep. Here is a little script I wrote so you can auto build the source packages for each release you care about in one go.


set -e

RELEASES="hardy intrepid jaunty"

if [ ! -f debian/changelog ]
	echo "This isn't a debian repo"
	exit 1

# Check for changes
if [ `bzr st | wc -l` != "0" ]
	echo "You have uncommitted changes!"
	exit 1

if [ -d ../tmpbuild ]
	echo "The tmpbuild dir exists"
	exit 1

bzr export ../tmpbuild
cp debian/changelog ../tmpbuild.changelog
cd ../tmpbuild

PACKAGE=`head -1 debian/changelog | awk '{print $1}'`
VERSION=`head -1 debian/changelog | awk '{print $2}' | sed -r -e 's/^(//;s/)$//'`

for release in $RELEASES
	sed -r -e "1s/) [^;]+; /~${release}) ${release}; /" ../tmpbuild.changelog > debian/changelog 
	head -1 debian/changelog
	dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa
	dput local ../${PACKAGE}_${VERSION}~${release}_source.changes

cd ..
rm -rf tmpbuild

So the above documentation is a bit of a brain dump on what I’ve been working on for the past 2 days and I’m sure I’ve left some bits out. So please give me any feedback you have in the comments.

Mac OS X L2TP VPN to Cisco IOS

Just spent a couple of hours trying to get a Mac OS X laptop connected to a Cisco IOS IPSEC/L2TP server. The existing configuration worked fine for windows and linux servers but the Mac just refused to establish a connection. The Cisco logs contained the usual cryptic message.

Dec 16 16:53:47.955: IPSEC(validate_proposal_request): proposal part #1,
  (key eng. msg.) INBOUND local=, remote=,.
    local_proxy= (type=1),.
    remote_proxy= (type=1),
    protocol= ESP, transform= esp-3des esp-sha-hmac  (Transport-UDP),.
    lifedur= 0s and 0kb,.
    spi= 0x0(0), conn_id= 0, keysize= 0, flags= 0x800
Dec 16 16:53:47.955: Crypto mapdb : proxy_match
    src addr     :
    dst addr     :
    protocol     : 17
    src port     : 1701
    dst port     : 49561
Dec 16 16:53:47.955: map_db_find_best did not find matching map
Dec 16 16:53:47.955: IPSEC(validate_transform_proposal): no IPSEC cryptomap exists for local address A.B.C.D

After much googling I discovered that the problem was dst port: 49561 . Unlike most other L2TP clients the Mac uses a random source port for the L2TP part of the connection. Most others use 1701 for source and destination.

So relaxing this

ip access-list extended L2TP
 permit udp host eq 1701 any eq 1701

to this

ip access-list extended L2TP
 permit udp host eq 1701 any

solved the problem.

It would now normally be the time for me to rant about how IPSEC has to be one of the most badly implemented protocols by all vendors and how getting two different implementations to talk to each other always takes a minimum of 2 hours even if you’ve done it before but it would just be too exhausting.

Melbourne Cup Dip2

To quote Justaan:

This is what we call the Melbourne Cup Network Effect

Melbourne Cup network effect

It seems it really is the race that stops the nation. This is a graph of Bulletproof’s outbound web traffic for today. That’s a 37% drop in outbound traffic just after 3pm.

Make sure you take note of my l33t gimp skills!

Disabling “Subscribe to feed” in firefox

At Vquence we do a lot of crawling of various video hosting sites and where possible we like to use APIs or RSS feeds instead of page scraping. A semi-recent features of firefox is that when you click on an RSS link you get a “Subscribe to this feed in your favourite reader” header and then the formatted contents of the feed.

This is really annoying if what you really want to see is the raw XML. Sure I could hit CTRL-U to see the source but thats an extra step and a whole other window I now have open. I couldn’t find any way to disable this functionality so I ended up writing a greasemonkey script called disable_subscribe_feed.js.

The meat of the script looks like

// Pick three element ids that appear in the "Subscribe to page" and probably 
var tag1 = document.getElementById('feedHeaderContainer');
var tag2 = document.getElementById('feedSubscriptionInfo2');
var tag3 = document.getElementById('feedSubscribeLine');

// Show the source
if (tag1 && tag2 && tag3) {
    location.href = 'view-source:' + document.location.href;

Basically it tries to detect the “subscribe to feed” page based on a couple of tag ids that exist on it and then performs a redirect to view-source: for that page. Which gives us nicely formatted XML.

Firefox popup blocking

Wouldn’t it make more sense for firefox to allow popups based on the destination site rather than on the source?

For example most popups I click on are for YouTube. Now some on these are on random blogging sites. Which means that to jump to the YouTube page for that video I have to allow popups for some random blog, which can now popup as many ads as it wants.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to allow YouTube as a popup destination. It really comes down to the fact that I trust YouTube more than some random blog embedding YouTube videos.

I haven’t thought about this very much so maybe there is a good reason why you wouldn’t want this. If a few other people agree with me I’ll go file a bug. Hmm I wonder if you could write an extension to do it.

Update: Peter raises a good point as to why this is a bad idea.