One of the things I love about the Ubuntu project and launchpad is the Personal Package Archive. PPAs make it so simple and easy to backport packages. The only problem with PPAs is that they are public. I had a need to be able to host some private internal packages as well as squid with SSL support, which you can’t distribute in binary form due to licensing restrictions.
Basically I wanted to create the equivalent of an Ubuntu PPA service running on our own servers so we could place it behind our firewall. This post is basically the process I followed to integrate rebuilld and reprepro to replicate a PPA setup.
So first up install reprepro
aptitude install reprepro
next we need do create a reprepro repository
mkdir -p /srv/reprepro/{conf,incoming,incomingtmp}
Now we need to tell reprepro which distributions we care about. Create /srv/reprepro/conf/distributions with the following contents
Suite: hardy Version: 8.04 Codename: hardy Architectures: i386 amd64 source Components: main Description: Local Hardy SignWith: DebIndices: Packages Release . .gz .bz2 DscIndices: Sources Release .gz .bz2 Tracking: all includechanges keepsources Log: logfile --changes /srv/reprepro/bin/build_sources Suite: intrepid Version: 8.10 Codename: intrepid Architectures: i386 amd64 source Components: main Description: Local Intrepid SignWith: DebIndices: Packages Release . .gz .bz2 DscIndices: Sources Release .gz .bz2 Tracking: all includechanges keepsources Log: logfile --changes /srv/reprepro/bin/build_sources Suite: jaunty Version: 9.04 Codename: jaunty Architectures: i386 amd64 source Components: main Description: Local Jaunty SignWith: DebIndices: Packages Release . .gz .bz2 DscIndices: Sources Release .gz .bz2 Tracking: all includechanges keepsources Log: logfile --changes /srv/reprepro/bin/build_sources
I also like to create reprepro options file to setup some defaults, edit /srv/reprepro/conf/options
verbose verbose verbose verbose verbose
Next we need to setup an incoming queue so that we can use dput to get the source packages into reprepro,
vi /srv/reprepro/conf/incoming
Name: incoming IncomingDir: incoming Allow: hardy intrepid jaunty Cleanup: on_deny on_error Tempdir: incomingtmp
The repository is now ready to go. So now we can setup apache. Edit /etc/apache/sites-enabled/pppa
ServerName DocumentRoot /srv/reprepro
and we should also configure our sources.list to use these repositories, edit /etc/apt/sources.list
# Sources for rebuildd deb-src hardy main deb-src intrepid main deb-src jaunty main
Next we want to setup our to make the magic happen to get the source packages into the archive, edit ~/
[DEFAULT] default_host_main = notspecified [local] fqdn = localhost method = local incoming = /srv/reprepro/incoming allow_unsigned_uploads = 0 run_dinstall = 0 post_upload_command = reprepro -V -b /srv/reprepro processincoming incoming
So now we can do the following
apt-get source squid3 cd squid3* dch -i # increment version number dpkg-buildpackage -sa -S cd .. dput local *changes aptitude update apt-get source squid3
So when you run dput, first it copies the source package files to /srv/reprepro/incoming and then it gets reprepro to process it’s incoming queue. This means that the source package is now sitting in the repository.
So the second apt-get source should have downloaded the source package from our local repository which is exactly what rebuildd will do before it tries to build it.
Next step is to setup rebuildd so that it builds the binary packages and installs them into the repository.
aptitude install rebuildd
Setup so it runs out of init.d and the releases we care about, edit /etc/default/rebuildd
Now when a source package is uploaded into the repository we want to kick off rebuildd to build the package. We can do this through the reprepro log hooks. You’ll notice in the conf/distributions above the following lines.
Log: logfile --changes /srv/reprepro/bin/build_sources
This script will be run any time a .changes file is added to the repository. Create /srv/reprepro/bin/build_sources
#!/bin/bash action=$1 release=$2 package=$3 version=$4 changes_file=$5 # Only care about packages being added if [ "$action" != "accepted" ] then exit 0 fi # Only care about source packages echo $changes_file | grep -q _source.changes if [ $? = 1 ] then exit 0 fi # Kick off the job echo "$package $version 1 $release" | sudo rebuildd-job add
This script basically checks the right type of package is being added. Then it calls rebuildd-job to ask for that specific package and version to be built for that Ubuntu release.
Now the first thing that rebuildd does is download the source for the package. However we need to update the sources first since our server doesn’t know there are new files in the repository yet. So edit /etc/rebuildd/rebuilddrv an change
apt-get -q --download-only -t ${d} source ${p}=${v}
source_cmd = /srv/reprepro/bin/get_sources ${d} ${p} ${v}
and create /srv/reprepro/bin/get_sources with
#!/bin/bash d=$1 p=$2 v=$3 sudo aptitude update >/dev/null apt-get -q --download-only -t ${d} source ${p}=${v}
By this stage we have rebuildd building packages but we need to make sure they get re-injected back into the repository. We can do this with a post script. Edit /etc/rebuildd/rebuilddrc
post_build_cmd = /srv/reprepro/bin/upload_binaries ${d} ${p} ${v} ${a}
and create /srv/reprepro/bin/upload_binaries
#!/bin/bash d=$1 p=$2 v=$3 a=$4 su -l -c "reprepro -V -b /srv/reprepro include ${d} /var/cache/pbuilder/result/${p}_${v}_${a}.changes" johnf
Now the su is in there because rebuildd needs to be able to access the GPG passphrase to sign the repository with. So rather than have a passphrase-less key we make sure that gpg-agent is running by adding the following to your .profile.
if test -f $HOME/.gpg-agent-info && kill -0 `cut -d: -f 2 $HOME/.gpg-agent-info` 2>/dev/null; then GPG_AGENT_INFO=`cat $HOME/.gpg-agent-info` export GPG_AGENT_INFO else eval `gpg-agent --daemon` echo $GPG_AGENT_INFO >$HOME/.gpg-agent-info fi GPG_TTY=`tty` export GPG_TTY
So that’s it you now have your own personal PPA. Just in case you had fallen asleep. Here is a little script I wrote so you can auto build the source packages for each release you care about in one go.
#!/bin/bash set -e RELEASES="hardy intrepid jaunty" if [ ! -f debian/changelog ] then echo "This isn't a debian repo" exit 1 fi # Check for changes if [ `bzr st | wc -l` != "0" ] then echo "You have uncommitted changes!" exit 1 fi if [ -d ../tmpbuild ] then echo "The tmpbuild dir exists" exit 1 fi bzr export ../tmpbuild cp debian/changelog ../tmpbuild.changelog cd ../tmpbuild PACKAGE=`head -1 debian/changelog | awk '{print $1}'` VERSION=`head -1 debian/changelog | awk '{print $2}' | sed -r -e 's/^(//;s/)$//'` for release in $RELEASES do sed -r -e "1s/) [^;]+; /~${release}) ${release}; /" ../tmpbuild.changelog > debian/changelog head -1 debian/changelog dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa dput local ../${PACKAGE}_${VERSION}~${release}_source.changes done cd .. rm -rf tmpbuild
So the above documentation is a bit of a brain dump on what I’ve been working on for the past 2 days and I’m sure I’ve left some bits out. So please give me any feedback you have in the comments.
I really like the look of this
That’s one thing I forgot to mention. You can get it to satisfy everything from the PPA.
Basically you need to add the PPA to your sources.list so that it is used to grab dependencies from. You also need a pre-depend hook to perform an aptitude update.
Edit /etc/pbuilder/pbuilderrc
Awesome! 🙂
wow. This is extraordinarily useful.
Thanks a lot for the howto! I was looking forward to building hardened packages with hardening-wrapper on a local mirror…
That’s one thing I forgot to mention. You can get it to satisfy everything from the PPA.
Basically you need to add the PPA to your sources.list so that it is used to grab dependencies from. You also need a pre-depend hook to perform an aptitude update.
Edit /etc/pbuilder/pbuilderrc
For getting my debs builds in again on a easy way, i did hack the upload_binaries script a bit.
d=$1 p=$2 v=$3 a=$4
echo “upload_binaries” “${p}_${v}_${a}”
# Search now for packages builded by these sources
for i in ${resultdir}/*_${v}_*.deb; do
su -l -c “reprepro -V -b ${basedir} includedeb ${d} ${i}” frans
Hi , thank you for the great manual .
but I run into one problem .
for example I have a source package which I have built on my system – i have .dsc file _source.changes , and so on .
now I upload with dupload or dput this _source.changes file and company to the repository server .
after I’ve uploaded stuff to incoming on the repository server I run
reprepro processincoming incoming
and my .dsc and other files are added to the repository
but when the build process spawned by Log : is finished , and rebuildd tries to put the new package to the repository the checksum on the new package is different and I get something like following :
File “pool/main/libp/libpam-abl/libpam-abl_0.4.1-1.dsc” is already registered with different checksums!
md5 expected: 79c0aaadf3f1deb26722d959db052cd5, got: b59bc17aa5cc072c8f2a091dbb745949
sha1 expected: 0e2c1c73ecc8625ae5a0459a7bf77bc51e745294, got: 1c22b4a0664a1c16ea0e28c62a9f3e660582177b
sha256 expected: 3edbfb50a5d228c717a8244ddcda58d067a76ed98c01f3afd5e89f8365c08274, got: 6aa915dd021165cead23bd1389b9af3797f3efd53cd6bba50f82b2d8b05768e8
size expected: 1848, got: 964
There have been errors!
So the here is more general problem – because there is only one pool , it is not possible to have the same package-version in different distributions like sid and lenny .
Anyway thank you a lot for sharing such a nice manual .
best regards ,
I use key with a passphrase and gpg-agent ,
so using script mentioned by comment #7 Frans van Berckel
I would need to input passphrase at some point , but using next constructions one can avoid passwordless gpg key and reuse gpg-agent with su
su -l -c “bash -i -c “/usr/bin/reprepro -V -b ${basedir} includedeb ${d} ${i}”” ftpmaster
with bash -i -c GPG_AGENT_INFO variable will be setup correctly from .bashrc
here is the part of .bashrc responsible for gpg-agent
pgrep -u $USER gpg-agent || gpg-agent –daemon –enable-ssh-support –write-env-file “${HOME}/.gpg-agent-info” –default-cache-ttl 600
if [ -f “${HOME}/.gpg-agent-info” ]; then
. “${HOME}/.gpg-agent-info”
export GPG_TTY
This looks really useful but I am struggling 🙁 I have followed all the steps, but when I dput a changes file the source package is accepted into the local repo but rebuildd never builds the binary. I can see rebuildd idling but the build never kicks in? Any ideas?
Many thanks!
Ok I’ve made some progress. The /srv/reprepro/bin/build_sources script needs to be executable. Now rebuildd picks up the package but it still wont build. In the log file I see:
ERROR Couldn’t find dist/arch in the config file for hello-debhelper_2.2-2ubuntu1 on precise/amd64, don’t adding it
Note: I am playing with the hello-debhelper package instead of squid.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the instructions!
It looks like your link to rebuildd is out of date. The real one is:
I’m seeing the same problem Mono does :
ERROR Couldn’t find dist/arch in the config file for on saucy/amd64, not adding it
Any pointers or so would be very much appreciated.
Also, thanks for the guide. The rest of it works like a charm!