Open Source in the Data Centre

Next Tuesday (17th Oct) I’ll be giving a presentation at Thinking Linux ’06 in Melbourne.

The talk is entitled Open Source in the Data Centre and I’ll be covering things like

  • Load Balancing “Stuff” (IPVS, keepalived, heartbeat)
  • Monitoring using Nagios and MRTG/rrdtool
  • Authentication with OpenLDAP anf FreeRADIUS

and a whole lot of other random things I can fit into 40 minutes.

I choose to blame Pia for putting me in a position to give this talk but only because it’s Jeff’s fault and there isn’t a πŸ™‚

If anyone wants to catch up on the Monday night down in Melbourne then let me know.

I’ll put slides up after the event.

LCA2007 Paper Review

The seven review team met all day Saturday to work out which of the almost 300 submissions were going to make it into the conference.

I had created some statistics based on the reviews the team had performed, this helped the team easily pick the coolest papers and the mildly cool for inclusion and exclusion. Which then left the difficult job of sorting through the ones in the middle.

The hardest job was rejecting papers, even though the team had to pick 80 out of 300 papers I can easily say that the quality of what was rejected was exceptional. They would almost all be included if we could hold a 3 week conference.

Here is some info from those on the review team on how to make sure your paper is near the top of the list.

Of course what would statistics be without pretty graphs, I’ve posted daily and cumulative submissions graphs. As expected this proves that people always leave things till the last minute, and sometime a little bit later than that πŸ™‚

One enterprising individual even tried to submit something yesterday!


Build your own ISP

I’ve finally gotten around to putting up the slides for my Build your own ISP talk I gave at Software Freedom Day and DEBSIG. You can find them on my Presentations page or a the direct link to the PDF here.

The slides are fairly sparse, the talk was a bit of a brain dump about random things to do with ISPs. I’m sure someone is going to ask me to give it at SLUG again at some stage πŸ™‚

Software Freedom Day – AV and ISPs

This Saturday is Software Freedom Day, the main Sydney event sponsored by SLUG will be being held at UNSW, more specific details can be found at the Sydney SFD page.

As part of the lead up to 2007, the AV Team is going to be using this day as a trial run to test out some of the technology we will probably be using at the conference, this currently includes

  • Flumotion for streaming of talks
  • Streaming from a scan converter for slides
  • Recording to DVDs using a consumer DVD recorder for post production and upload to the website
  • Standard recording to DV Tape as a backup πŸ™‚

Apparently I will also be giving a workshop at 1pm, I say apparently because as usual we get to For the unwary, suggesting to Pia that you might be able to give a talk means that you will πŸ™‚ The talk is currently titled How to build your own ISP – But why you shouldn’t, it will focus on the right way to set one up from scratch from my experiences at ZipWorld and Beagle Internet.

just blame Pia!

At a couple of meetings we kept coming across the same recurring theme, everything just seemed to be Pia’s fault πŸ™‚

So one dark and rainy night was born.

We even get to blame Pia for this post because the site isn’t even ready yet, it is supposed to get a spruce up (I have no artistic skills you see), but she seems to have stumbled over it overnight.

Just blame Pia!